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  半岛体育#萌娃养成记-周打卡挑战#第1398天? :英文人物及场景描写第1398天? 英语超级写作奶爸,3.8年双语日记记录女儿生活截止本篇:第20本 中英合计:93.8万字 英文37.5万字半岛体育,中文56.3万字

  云朵儿日记?第1398天 (3.8年) 2021年10月11日 (一)A Diary for My Yunduoer ?Day 1398, Oct 11, 2021 (Mon)

  (节选)The door of the bedroom stood ajar. I walked up, but before I had a chance to push the door and see you emerged from behind it your shrilly screech of dismay, and as instantly the door banged shut. Wow, you shut me out. You still seethed with anger, having not got yourself together, after your bickering with mummy. Mummy said you knew you had acted up and were afraid I would tell you off.卧室的门半掩着。我走过去,可是我还没来得急推门,也没看见你,从门后就传来了你气恼的尖叫,紧接着门就砰地一声关上了。你把我挡在了外面。跟妈妈闹了一通,你还没消气儿,还没平静下来。妈妈说,你关门是因为你知道自己犯错了,怕我说你。